Exploratory Analysis

Data visualization, part 1. Code for Quiz 7.

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  1. Load the R packages we will use.
  1. Quiz questions

Question: Modify slide 34

Question: Modify intro-slide 35

Questions: Modify intro-slide 36

Question: Modify geom-ex-1

*Create a plot with the faithful dataset

*add points with geom_point

*assign the variable eruptions to the x-axis

*assign the variable waiting to the y-axis

*set the shape of the points to plus

*set the point size to 1

*set the point transparency 0.4

Question: modify geom-ex-2

Question: modify stat-slide-40

Question: Modify stat-slide-41

Question: Modify stat-slide-43

*Change code to plot bar chart of each manufacturer as a percent of total

Question: Modify answer to stat-ex-2

*Use stat_summary() to add a dot at the median of each group

*color the dot orange